Erfðanefnd landbúnaðarins er samansett af fulltrúum eftirfarandi stofnanna: Landbúnaðarháskóla Íslands, Bændasamtökum Íslands, Hafrannsóknastofnun, Náttúrufræðistofnun Íslands og Skógræktinni.
Tegundir sem falla undir starfsemi erfðanefndarinnar eru tegundir sem eru og hafa verið nýttar í íslenskum landbúnaði frá upphafi byggðar án innblöndunar með erlendu erfðaefni
Nýting ferskvatnsfiska hér á landi hefur nokkra sérstöðu sem búgrein. Annars vegar er um að ræða nýtingu á villtum fiskstofnum og hins vegar eldi ferskvatnsfiska.
Til aðgreiningar er þeim íslensku plöntum sem falla undir verksvið erfðanefndar skipt í tvo flokka, Nánar er fjallað um flokkana í sérstökum köflum
Skógar á Íslandi þekja 1,5% af flatarmáli landsins. Þar af þekja náttúrlegir skógar og kjörr íslensks birkis 1,1% landsins og ræktaðir skógar birkis og innfluttra trjátegunda 0,4%.
Varðveisla erfðaauðlinda í íslenskri náttúru og landbúnaði ... See MoreSee Less
Varðveisla erfðaauðlinda í íslenskri náttúru og landbúnaði
Erfðaauðlindir eru skilgreindar sem lífverur sem bera fjölbreytta eiginleika í erfðaefni sínu og hafa fætt okkur og klætt, veitt okkur skjól, orku, byggingarefni og yndi, auk þess að vera ...0 CommentsComment on Facebook
🌾 “NordGen plays a pivotal role in our work to introduce cereals in Iceland. These crops are novel and challenging to adapt to the extreme environment.”
🌱 Hrannar Smári Hilmarsson is the director of the Icelandic plant breeding program Vala at the Agricultural University of Iceland. His research primarily focuses on the breeding and cultivation of cereal crops, with emphasis on applied agronomic research to benefit Icelandic farmers. In recent years, he has concentrated on developing crop varieties tailored to Iceland's unique climate conditions using techniques like genomic selection to enhance crop yields and adaptability. With the mission to improve agricultural sustainability and food security in Iceland's challenging environment.
‼️ Have you registered for the 'Nordic Conference on Genetic Resources: Possibilities and Urgency' yet? If not, head to and register before 27 November!Smári ... See MoreSee Less
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Photos from NordGen's post ... See MoreSee Less
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Spennandi starf hjá NordgenOpen position at NordGen Farm Animals!
Do you have a research background within farm animal genetics or animal breeding? Do you want to join an enthusiastic team of farm animal scientists and work with sustainable conservation plans for our native breeds in the Nordic countries? If you in addition like networking and would appreciate an international and developing working environment, you should apply for the position as a Senior Scientist at NordGen Farm Animals.
#job #nyttjobb #newjob #jobopportunity #openposition #vacancy #farmanimal #geneticresources
Nu finns en ledig tjänst hos NordGen Husdjur, läs mer i annonslänken ovan! ... See MoreSee Less
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Glöm inte bort att registrera dig om du vill delta i nästa veckas lunchwebbinarium om vilda kulturväxtsläktingar som äger rum den 23 oktober! Bevaring och inventering av vilda kulturväxtsläktingar i nordiska naturskyddsområden är temat för detta webbinarium som hålls på engelska och är det första i en serie om sex stycken.
Don't forget to register for the CWR lunch webinar that will take place on October 23 next week! Conservation and inventory of crop wild relatives in Nordic protected areas is the theme in this webinar which is the first in a series of six. More information and registration for the first webinar can be found here: ... See MoreSee Less
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Erfðanefnd landbúnaðarins auglýsir eftir umsóknum um verkefnastyrki 2024 ... See MoreSee Less
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